Saturday, January 9, 2010

Yo people I'M BACK!!

Wow, it seems a long long long long long long time since I blogged.. No choice man.. Was busy with my baby.. Oops.. by the way, I've given birth to a little prince on Halloween morning.. Well, Everything was smooth, but frankly speaking.. I'm so scared of pain.. I guessed TMC nearly collapsed on that day... Painful contractions, painful epidural, scary episiostomy, scary stitches and scary nurses!

I wasn't been taken care well by the labour ward nurses.. They were rough.. In the ward, I was in pain for 12hrs, then a nursing officer offered me ice-pack which my pain gone instantly! Bad right? However, there are good nurses too.. but apparently, I can only see them during their night shift.. sigh.. Tings got worse when I got home. I was in pain for 2 weeks.. Swimming float was my best friend.. Dr prescribed painkillers, but it didn't work at all...

Finally everything is over now... Whew...

Well, let's talk about my boy.. He's the most wonderful darling that came to my life.. He's soooo kawaii! He's a fast learner too.. Now he's learning to roll over..

He loves to interact with people, loves music and loves to bathe.. Very hygienic baby indeed...

I missed those days which I hung out with my friends, missed my full 10hr sleep everyday... Well, its history now...

Lately, I'm busy with baby as well as FB.. I will go online whenever I have the time to search for enrichment programmes for my baby as well as logging into forum to share with new mummies..

Also went into Beauty QQ channel in youtube to learn about beauty thingy.. hahaaa vain pot me.. No choice, I have to start to maintain young and health especially after giving birth..
Gtg.. before I log off, here is a pic of my little handsome...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Handsome Chong & Baby Carebear

Handsome doesn't like teddy bears.. This pic was taken when Handsome just woke up..

Friday, November 6, 2009

Zzz little prince

So tired! Little prince is up in the middle of the night, refused to sleep in his cot. Ended up sleeping with me.. I'm so worried that i'll make it a habit for him, but he's really scared at night. If we ignore him (like we did a night before), he will cont crying till dawn! I'm so worried that he will have separation anxiety in future... Sigh...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My pride My joy

Proudly present..... Handsome Chong!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

With C class darlings

These are C class darlings... They are very sweet.. I will miss them so...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009